Glasurit launches new Radar and Sensors e-learning program for OEM body shop customers


RADAR & Refinish
The performance of a RADAR system located behind a painted car part can be affected by a number of different factors. Today, bumper basecoats, with their components and primer layers, and particularly their thicknesses and dielectric parameters, may have an influence on RADAR transmission in the same way as the substrate it is applied to, its thickness and the number of paint layers (including repair cases).
When the aluminum content in the basecoat and primer layers is very high, the color solution may be reformulated to lower the concentration of the aluminum in the pigment. Our BASF color experts can provide OEM body shops with color solutions that ensure a high quality of paint suitable for such technology.
BASF Automotive Refinish Solutions has been working closely with several OEMs around the world to provide expertise on this topic and has developed RADAR color solutions according to OEM specifications. Currently, our RADAR color solutions are available in several paint lines from premium refinish brand Glasurit , and the number of OEM-approved formulas continues to grow.
The formulas approved by OEMs for RADAR can be retrieved using Refinity or BASF’s color management systems, including SmartTRAK, Glasurit Profit Manager as well as formula retrieval websites, including SmartColor Online, Glasurit Color Online.
“During the paint process, it is crucial to have the required know-how when working with vehicles equipped with RADAR systems so as not to impact the intended safety performance of the system. Not only does Glasurit offer premium refinish paint solutions for repairing OEM vehicles with RADAR systems, we also support the OEMs by bringing awareness of the application parameters and developing new innovations that support our customers in the repair process,” said Jamie Panter, Head of Global Applications, BASF.
To further support our customers, BASF has optimized its “RADAR & Sensors” education module, designed to help automotive repair shops understand how the increasing use of RADAR sensors is impacting automotive refinish applications. This eLearning module also includes general rules for refinishing bumpers with RADAR sensors as well as how RADAR formulations are retrieved. The module will be available shortly for our customers using Refinity and will also be available as an e-book on our Glasurit Know-How knowledge platforms.
As with any repair, we strongly recommend following the OEM's repair procedures meticulously. These may include recalibration of the RADAR systems and/or operational tests before considering a repair to be completed.
BASF Automotive Refinish Coatings Solutions continues to work with OEMs and experts on this topic to ensure that by keeping on top of the latest developments in RADAR solutions and innovations, we can be ready to address customer needs.