Body Shop BOOST

Body Shop BOOST
Transforming Sternauto

Body Shop BOOST Process
How we operate
Our Packages
Packages to BOOST your body shop
Holistic assessment - +12 months development
Paint assessment Body Shop assessment (1-2 days)
Development plan and project management
12 months monthly online development check-ups
Tracked on body shop BOOST platform
Follow-up - 12 months development
Development plan and project management
12 months monthly online development check-ups
Tracked on body shop BOOST platform
Training + Development
Diverse training programs: Advanced Estimating, Production Management, Bodyshop Process Coaching, and more.
Specialized training: Structural Body Repair, Practical Welding Techniques, Aluminium Body Repair, Plastic Repair.
Ongoing expansion for the latest industry knowledge and techniques.
Planning + development
As-is assessment
2 scenarios of improved workflow and design (2D, 3D)
All-in-one contract (Architects, engineers… included)
Paint assessment + development
Paint assessment (1 day)
Development plan
Tracked on body shop BOOST platform
Our Values